Friday, August 8, 2014

I Saw the Cracks In Your Skin

Go back to sleep, forging ahead, a new reality.
Slipping between the sheets of distant freaks,
I get weak when I think about losing you.

Sweat on your forehead, scratches on my back,
Proof that we both lack self control.
I'll stay hidden away next to the door, head on the floor.

Next thing you know, I start saying things I don't mean.
Next thing we know, you're begging me not to leave.
I once treasured the thought of faith,
I left it behind when my god watched me burn alive.

I wasn't expecting you to look so good in the light,
I wasn't expecting to give a shit, shell shocked when I did.
Why did you feel so safe in my arms, why did I run so far.
We try so hard, just to fall apart, but that is the art, of breaking hearts.

I get inpatient, complacent and angry,
When I lay alone and wonder who's taking my place.
Even though my bed burns red hot, I want what I cannot have,
Being human has always made me laugh.

Maybe we can take hold, to break the mold.
Get out of the confines we needed socially,
So maybe finally you won't fear approaching me.
I like when these ghosts are choking me,
It's more real than numbing my mind to the lies
I have been force fed my entire life.

Hold onto pleasure like there's nothing else,
We never change, frozen, still framed.
It's a damn shame that this is the game we play,
Maybe one day, we can envision a place where our children can lay
And admire our struggles, One day, we can pray.

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